New Habits to Make While Adjusting to New Dentures

New Habits to Make While Adjusting to New Dentures from Oak Tree Dental in McLean, VAWhen a significant change comes to your life, it can be a little difficult to feel comfortable. This is often the case when adjusting to new dentures. At first, the dentures tend to feel a bit awkward in the mouth, and it may not be as easy to do certain things. Routine actions such as eating, drinking, speaking, and smiling take on a higher level of difficulty. You also might experience some soreness and discomfort where the soft tissues of the mouth come in contact with the dentures.

This period does not last forever, and it can be shortened for most people by developing some new habits. Getting used to new dentures mostly comes down to doing a few things a little differently.

The first issue, of course, is eating. You will want to take your meals more slowly and avoid large bites of food. Starting with soft foods is a good idea with new dentures. You will not need to go to a diet entirely of soft foods, but eating things like mashed potatoes and pudding can help you get used to chewing with dentures.

Good habits to get into with your dentures

Part of adjusting to new dentures is making sure you wear them regularly. The more often they are in your mouth, the more comfortable they should feel as your soft tissues adjust to their presence. If this is not the case, be sure to see your dentist. Other positive habits can help you get the most out of your dentures:

  • Take them out at night and put them in a glass of water.
  • Clean them regularly with a soft brush.
  • Use only approved cleaners made for dentures.
  • Continue to practice good oral hygiene.

The better care you take of your dentures, the longer they will last and the more benefits they will provide. The preferable practice is to rinse dentures in lukewarm water and then give them a gentle brush. For most people, this is more easily done when they are out of your mouth. It is fine to brush while you are wearing the dentures, but do not use toothpaste as most products have abrasives that can damage dentures.

Bad habits to avoid

If you are adjusting to new dentures, you might not be completely familiar with methods to protect your dentures and care for them. It is easy to develop bad habits simply through lack of information. For example, you should not wear your dentures all the time. The soft tissues of your mouth need a break and constant wearing of dentures promotes bacterial growth. Taking them out at night and placing them in water is the most common solution.

Cleaning dentures is not overly complicated, but there are some measures to avoid. Do not use a hard-bristled brush, as this can scratch the surface and create opportunities for plaque buildup. Finally, do not soak dentures in hot water as this could damage them.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Adjusting to New Dentures in McLean, VA


Developing good habits and avoiding bad habits with your dentures is important. It is the simplest way to make sure you are taking good care of them and your oral hygiene.

Request an appointment or call Oak Tree Dental at 703-763-5239 for an appointment in our McLean office.

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